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General => Ideas & Suggestions => Topic started by: dyne21 on July 26, 2009, 02:35:03 AM

Title: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: dyne21 on July 26, 2009, 02:35:03 AM
You know in Halloween you get jacko hat. . . etc
why not get costumes!

you can get a batman mask, superman cape(superman underwear at least) and other cool weapons like wolverine claws, or like cyclops helmet the shoots the range of a whip.

and what if the monsters had costumes, a sand fiend with batman mask, ds with cyclops helmet, blobs with superman capes.

OR we can have Costume party once every month so we dont have to wait a full year to get cool stuff
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: crozier on July 26, 2009, 09:56:02 AM
I personally think it would be better if we had masks based off the ingame monsters.
Like a blob hat, or cactus helmet.(examples) Having marvel based hats would bring trouble.
And If you had monsters wearing different monster hats that would be great.
Like a sf wearing a skele mask.
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: 11clock on July 26, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
I don't think Meiun would add those type of stuff. I agree with Crozier. Monster-based hats would own! :D
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: crozier on July 26, 2009, 11:35:52 AM
Well there already is a bandit mask, skele,and bandit cover that is based completely off of the monster.
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: yottabyte on July 26, 2009, 12:52:04 PM
Is this idea for SO2 or SO3?

If SO2, no.

For SO3, it would be fun I guess.
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: LeGuy on July 26, 2009, 03:02:43 PM
The monsters wearing costumes would also transition nicely into Christmas. For example:

-Cacti decorated with colored lights and a star on top in the style of a Christmas tree
-Snow Fiends and Snow Golems with top hats and carrot noses instead of their sand brothers. This would look a little strange if the S.O. landscape wasn't covered with snow, but I imagine doing that would take way too long.
-Dark Sages in Santa suits and elf hats on their Skellie minions.
-Blobs frozen into ice cubes.

You know, stuff like that.
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: EpicPhailure on July 26, 2009, 04:48:38 PM
Eh, it was snowing in the desert (that was normal), so it wouldn't look strange at all.

Also, the main problem of costumes for the players is that sticks in S.O. don't wear shirts or w/e. And since we only have a hat, then it wouldn't be clothes at all.
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: Looperpuck on July 27, 2009, 02:03:08 AM
Quote from: LeGuy on July 26, 2009, 03:02:43 PM
The monsters wearing costumes would also transition nicely into Christmas. For example:

-Cacti decorated with colored lights and a star on top in the style of a Christmas tree
-Snow Fiends and Snow Golems with top hats and carrot noses instead of their sand brothers. This would look a little strange if the S.O. landscape wasn't covered with snow, but I imagine doing that would take way too long.
-Dark Sages in Santa suits and elf hats on their Skellie minions.
-Blobs frozen into ice cubes.

You know, stuff like that.

That would be such a good idea.
And I agree with most people. You shouldn't have drops that don't relate to the monster at all.

Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: Lingus on July 27, 2009, 03:30:08 PM
Could just do generic halloween monsters. Vampire, werewolf, frankenstein, zombie, mummy. Just do the head of them as a hat.
Title: Re: Halloween Idea, or Costume Party
Post by: scsox on July 27, 2009, 03:40:19 PM
how'bout a headless rb or some monster tweaked a bit...