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SOv3 info. 2

Started by NotoriousM4^, May 29, 2011, 02:34:34 PM

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I don't understand why we couldn't continue that thread in a civilized manner? Meiun does get defensive every time someone doubts the fact that there is actually work being done, and yes it is viable that he "has a life", but as previously mentioned it has been the same statement over and over again.

You've got to see it in the view of the community too, the server is being hosted for free, we've been throwing money down this never ending alleged "donation" pool that is supposedly going toward development and yet we are still not able to view any type of progress that is being made, and every thread that dare question any of the above is locked or deleted... sketchy right?

Quote from: JakeHe doesn't need an excuse. He doesn't need to develop v3 at all.
He doesn't need to lead on loyal players for 3+ years either... or does he?

Quote from: MeiunAs soon as I start releasing info, there comes a whole wave of new complications and expectations.
Oh because depriving the community of any info doesn't do the same right?

If a contractor tells me he is in the process of building this big building but it's going to take longer than usual and that I won't be able to view any of the progress, I would expect a pretty great building huh?

Who knows? Maybe when you decide to finally come around there will be no community there?

Quote from: MeiunTo be honest, I likely would have posted at least a bit of stuff sooner, but the multiple instances of people attempting to straight up steal, rip off, take credit for, or otherwise abuse V2 have sort of furthered my desire to distance the new one from anyone who may try to pull something like that again (at least until I deem it ready).
This is understandable.

Just my $0.02 ...


I have, or at least I think, been really patient with it. I see that making a game like this can take a long time, and constantly asking for progress reports can get annoying. Will any of this matter once the game is released anyways?

Mr Pwnage

I fail to see how he is being "defensive" as you mentioned. You all asked for information he personally does not wish to release yet. He doesn't really owe anybody anything, despite how much anyone wants to flaunt around their seniority/veteran/loyalty card. He is the executive of his own creation, and regardless of whatever point anybody makes, he ultimately is the one with the content anyways. Also realize a donation was a donation. Many of us, myself included, donated before any sort of donor server existed. It's basically just a monetary way of saying "thank you for your effort", and it really doesn't entitle you to anything.

And realize I am not defending or supporting anybody, I am just telling you like it is. I've come to learn that it ultimately enhances any sort of waiting experience if you can learn to be an eager observer and not an outspoken critic. And keep in mind the usual trend of time and quality. Would you rather witness a crappy mockup made in 10 days or well-crafted bit of content within the years to come?
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein (1947)


Quote from: NotoriousM4^ on May 29, 2011, 02:34:34 PM
You've got to see it in the view of the community too, the server is being hosted for free, we've been throwing money down this never ending alleged "donation" pool that is supposedly going toward development and yet we are still not able to view any type of progress that is being made, and every thread that dare question any of the above is locked or deleted... sketchy right?
Lemme jump in here and say, although providing Meiun with more money for server hosting and other SO costs is an added benefit of the Donation Pool, the intent is solely to provide players with access to SOv2. That's it. The donation pool wasn't made to fund SOv3 or anything of that sort, it's just people paying for accounts when others cannot do so. (Unsure if you were referring to my Donation Pool, or just donations as a whole there.)

I understand that there are many players that feel the same way as you, and I apologize for not being able to empathize here, I just don't feel the need for any progress updates at the moment.

One thing you don't seem to understand about this community is that although Stick Online is our common interest, it's not the glue that holds us together. As you may or may not have noticed, the Off Topic section is the most active board on these forums, as it always has been. Think back to Stick Hangout days, when even the prospect of SOv3 coming at all was in doubt, and the donor server was nonexistent; The community thrived. Meiun knows, or should know, that however long he takes we will still be here. This is his crowning achievment in my eyes, creating a game that was capable of forming such a self-sufficient community.

But of course, updates would always be appreciated ;)


You are fully welcome to continue the thread, as long as it stays civil. The previous topic creator just no longer saw a need for his particular one. As long as people are able to express themselves relatively respectfully then I have no real problem. If I've seemed a bit defensive then my apologies, I am simply trying to state things as they are and/or correct any poor assumptions made by people.

The reason I have stated the same thing over and over is because that same thing is still the case. Stick Online is a hobby for me, and while I deeply appreciate and respect all of you loyal fans, the main reason I work on this is for my own personal enjoyment and experience. I promised you guys that V3 would come, but really never gave you a set time frame for a reason. Not because I was trying to hide anything, but rather I really was completely unsure. I can often get a lot done quickly (depending on the project and how things go) assuming I can get large spans of time to work on things, but it is very difficult for me to work on large projects in small spurts (especially when getting started and laying the groundwork). Therefore, much of my life during the past four years of college and other personal matters was extremely difficult for me to find large periods of time to really get rolling.

This year I have finally managed to really get rolling with things, but need time to get things fleshed out enough so that I can truly be satisfied and have some real sustenance to what I am showing you guys, as well as having something that isn't going to end up being drastically different then what you guys end up receiving as a playable product. There are a number of reasons why I like to keep the initial development private, some of which I just described, many of which I discussed in previous posts, on top of many other reasons I have not mentioned. It can already be hard enough to find adequate time to really get stuff done for me, so when I can find time to work, I like it to be something I can peacefully work on without having to deal with all the added complications of broadcasting my progress on an unready product. Once it gets further, I will, but it is not ready for that yet.

With V2, I released the game far earlier than I probably should of, which ultimately ended up slowing down its future developments a lot in many ways. I do not want to have the same problem this time around. I realize this approach is not exactly the most appealing for many people, and that many people may even stop following it or give up on it, but this is a sacrifice that I was fully aware of from the beginning, and is an unfortunate but accepted part of the current development process for me.

As for your contractor analogy... I am not making this game expecting to make profit off of it. Nobody hired me to make this, and I while a big driving force that keeps me working on things is to ultimately please you guys, I am not making this for anyone or because I owe anybody something. I never lied about anything that was going on or attempted to "lead anyone on," and tried to be as honest about things as I knowingly was able to throughout the last years, even if I was a bit vague and uninformative a lot of the time (often because I'd rather say nothing than give false promises). I told you guys a long time ago that I had every intention of making V3, and I am doing so. I am not going about things like a traditional game developer/company because I am not a traditional game developer, and do not own any official company.

I also told you guys that I would try and give you some real info on the game in the next couple months (which I stated about 1 month ago), and I still have every intention of doing this. If that is not good enough, then you have my sincere apologies, but that is just how I'm choosing to do things right now for the sake of making a game that I can be proud of. You don't need to hang around waiting, it will come eventually, and I hope you enjoy it once it does. But like I've said many times, this is only a hobby for me ). Even if nobody played it when it came out, if it is something that I personally loved and was proud of, I'd still be plenty satisfied.

P.S. No V2 server has ever really been hosted for free.


can everyone just STFU and wait? its just a game for god sakes go do somthing else in your lives........


Meiun is just trying the Gabe Newell approach to Stick Online ep3.. oops, I mean Stick Online v3.


Quote from: Meiun on May 29, 2011, 07:15:08 PM
This year I have finally managed to really get rolling with things for real, but need time to get things fleshed out enough so that I can really be satisfied and have some real sustenance...

Get real.


Quote from: jonsploder on May 30, 2011, 04:50:58 AM
Quote from: Meiun on May 29, 2011, 07:15:08 PM
This year I have finally managed to really get rolling with things for real, but need time to get things fleshed out enough so that I can really be satisfied and have some real sustenance...

Get real.
This made me lol, good one John.

But I really don't care how long SO3 takes to finish, as long as there's a forums for SO I'll still check em everyday like I always do. Dedicated to the end~


I don't really care how long it takes to make the new game. The longer they work on it, the better the game will be, for the most part. I'm glad that they spent so much time on it.


I think there are too many whiners. Meiun, I love you and the work that you do, and you should continue to do it. You have managed to make possibly the most popular game made with Game Maker, and that alone inspires many people to take a shot at making their own games.

What it comes down to is this;
How many of you are going to play Diablo 3? A lot of you. That game has been "coming out" for years and years, and until maybe a year ago, had no visible progress. So what we should all do is get together in a big group and all play the waiting game, like we do with D3, and not fill this beautiful forum with nonsense and shenanigans. That is all.


Quote from: Bread on May 30, 2011, 04:50:13 PM
I think there are too many whiners. Meiun, I love you and the work that you do, and you should continue to do it. You have managed to make possibly the most popular game made with Game Maker, and that alone inspires many people to take a shot at making their own games.

What it comes down to is this;
How many of you are going to play Diablo 3? A lot of you. That game has been "coming out" for years and years, and until maybe a year ago, had no visible progress. So what we should all do is get together in a big group and all play the waiting game, like we do with D3, and not fill this beautiful forum with nonsense and shenanigans. That is all.
I concur. :) Except I have never heard of Diablo 3. But that isn't the point.


I for one have no expectations. I am patiently waiting around to see what Meiun does next. He has proven to be more devoted to this project than any other individual "developer" we have seen. He's still here, still letting us know he's still in the game. That's all we can really ask for. In my opinion, I would rather him be vague about his progress than to give us false hope about what the progress is or when we can expect to see the release.


Lingus wins the cookie!


"There are 1 player(s) online!"

This is what I got the last 5 days..
Instead of ranting and bitching on the forums, you could swing your asses back in V2? ;)