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Started by Zario777, January 02, 2010, 11:33:21 PM

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@Red October: 

Funny.  I seem to recall ASKING for exactly what benefit the idea would serve.  I never got an answer.

It's not my idea, it's not my job to refine it, nor is it any requirement for me to post.

I gave all 3 points, plus 1.  Just because YOU could not comprehend what was said does not make it any less valid.  None of the 4 things I mentioned were the same.  Do not fool yourself to think otherwise.

Nice of you to point out the 'insults' of my post.  Always reassuring to see you were too thick to bother to GRASP the point of why it was said, especially when I made a post explaining it clear as day.  I'm starting to rethink my method of posting with more subtlety then being cock-slapped across the face, when anything that requires someone here to THINK tends to just go right over their heads...

Incidentally, every post before Lucifer's, there was NO discussion beyond Pwnage's one post.  Seriously.  Go check for yourself.

I don't 'encourage' anyone to do anything.  If they want to be cockbags, they do so of their own volition.

If you don't agree with me, you'll be 'framed'?  Framed for what?  Being a dumbass?  You don't need my help, I assure you. 

I posted a problem with the idea, boo-!@#$ing-hoo.  Get over it.  Zario stated the ability to destroy said signs.  A simple solution that resolves the most major issue I pointed out, I acknowledge this, and I have said nothing since.  Go swing your tiny little e-penor somewhere else.

Also, I just want to say, I find it hilarious that no one noticed Jake was being facetious.
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster


Quote from: Chaos on January 05, 2010, 01:58:20 AM
Also, I just want to say, I find it hilarious that no one noticed Jake was being facetious.
I was originally, but I'm actually starting to like the idea  :D

It seems most of it's problems have been addressed now. The one downside I still see is that writing text on a sign is pretty pointless. It doesn't even sound like it'd be fun. I mainly like the idea of a portable platform, which allows for a little bit of creativity and experimentation.


Quote from: Jake on January 05, 2010, 02:06:17 AM
It seems most of it's problems have been addressed now. The one downside I still see is that writing text on a sign doesn't have a significant point behind it. I mainly like the idea of a portable platform.

Point #2 that I made, if I recall.  To what benefit?  Hell, could make an item that is a portable platform, and do away with the idea of a sign in general.  So I ask, WHY a sign?
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster


Quote from: RedOctoberYou and Chaos, have clearly presented your view, but both of you have not considered benefits for this idea, or even suggested anything useful to refine this idea.
Why would I bother refining an idea I think is completely flawed? No matter how much tinkering one could do, there is nothing that could make this idea remotely beneficial. How do I know this? Well lets go ahead and pick apart the ideas thus far. Before I start, I think many of you misread Chaos's post. He wasn't calling Zario those things, he was making the point as to what people would write in their messages.

Anyways, lets start with the main point of this idea, writing messages. As said, obviously this will be abused. People Will put up signs expressing their distaste for each other, no matter how many censors you nail onto them. (Which by the way, lets throw out Jake's freedom of speech right here eh?) One suggestion is for people to just ignore what these signs say, but how can you ignore them if someone walks up to you and says "Hey, guess what that sign says about you?". It's just idiotic to tell someone to ignore the obviously... idiotic.

Another idea is to have them destroyable, and then perhaps increase in price every time you buy one. First off, I'm guessing this idea is mainly directed at the current Stick Online, as Zario pointed out locations that are specific to it. With that in mind, Everyone has money spilling out of their asses and nothing to do with it, so people being worried about wasting money is not an issue. Also this suggestion works against people just as much as it works for. People in this game smack presents and kill bunnies even when they don't need the items, what do you expect is going to happen to your signs?

I think I've covered every argument about abusing signs so far, so lets move on. What would one actually write on these signs? Bunny <<<? SG at Wall? Tournament on friday? It's my arguement that anything that could be written on the signs could be easily posted on the forums or shoutbox, or communicated with other people near you in the game. Heck I bet most people would forget about their signs, and end up misleading shitloads of people in the process. I just can't think of a single thing to write down that makes the trouble of implementing such an idea worth it. Course it's late and I'm tired, so feel free to come up with some ideas to prove me wrong.

Now lets go to stacking signs. What a glorious way to even further lessen the need of agility. Lets go ahead and make bridges over every hole, shall we? Heck lets just remove holes and thorn pits entirely, as that's the only thing stacking things would accomplish. As Lingus said, it would be fun. It's always lovely to remove game elements in the name of fun.

Also, I'm glad we agree that me posting in a topic automatically declares it Penis, Red.

*Edit* This was a direct response to red's post, I'm too friggin tired to edit my post in response to anything posted while I was typing this, so blah.


Quote from: Chaos on January 05, 2010, 02:15:03 AM
Point #2 that I made, if I recall.  To what benefit?  Hell, could make an item that is a portable platform, and do away with the idea of a sign in general.  So I ask, WHY a sign?
Because some people would enjoy posting random jibber jabber.


Okay, so point #3, then.  Does that benefit outweigh the work involved to not only program in such a system, but to potentially apply filters to deal with issue #1?
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster

Red October

I love the two different replies to my post. In normal "Chaos" fashion, he attempts to denigrate someone for voicing their opinion. At least Lucifer explain his points quite clearly. Zario just needs to answer them. I personally wouldn't bother. As any solution would require major changes to the game. Which won't take place.

Also Chaos, your actions encourage others. After people read your post, many people will think me as an "dumbass". Because I misread a couple of points in your posts? I honestly don't care.


(Geez I never thought this sign idea would spring a debate) Anyways, can somebody address me the points I need to answer?
What would be the minimum requirements to play SO on my computer?
i7 core running at 3.6 ghz 16gb ram minimum with at least 2 x ATI Radeon HD 4870. Best played with full surround sound and a 30" widescreen moniter.


There are no points you need to answer, as this idea isn't going any further than this. It only sprung a debate because some people on these forums feel the need to act the hero and defend shit they don't even believe in. Red I don't get what you're crying over, Chaos was clearing his name after you tried to shit on it, if the truth makes you look like a dumbass, tough shit. You can feel free to voice all the opinions you want, we can feel free to tell you how wrong we think you are. Isn't freedom of speech awesome?


Quote from: Zario777 on January 05, 2010, 09:35:04 AM
(Geez I never thought this sign idea would spring a debate) Anyways, can somebody address me the points I need to answer?

I gave you the points, and even was discussing them with Jake.

Here we are again:

1.)  Idea is easily abused.

2.)  Serves no benefits.

3.)  Does (current lack of) benefits outweigh the work required to program?

4.)  Stick Online is full of immature idiots (case in point, Red October).  Mind you, that isn't so much an issue with YOUR idea then it is EVERY idea.  Still something you want to address.

Idea is easily abused - The major issue I saw with this (when, yes, the chat system is just as easy to abuse) is that signs would be semi-permanent fixtures. You stated that signs would be breakable.  In my eyes, that's really all that's needed to fix this issue.

Serves no benefits - It has been stated that it would serve as a portable platform, to which I countered "Then why a sign at all?  Why not just a portable platform?" and as Jake put it, "Because some people would enjoy posting random jibber jabber."  Fine, I can't exactly argue with that, though that's not MUCH of a benefit.  Incidentally, I'd also like to point out that I don't support the 'portable platforms' idea, as that's only serving to further take away the already weak benefits of having AGI.

Benefits Vs. Programming - This is where your idea runs into trouble from what I can see.  Do these meager benefits outweigh the work required to program in such a a system?  To potentially program a whole bunch of FILTERS to potentially counter-act #1?  Or, as another point Jake brought up to me, do these meager benefits outweigh the merit of other ideas?  That's what you should be discussing.

Also, these next sentences are all I will afford Red, as it is all he deserves:

Don't go insulting me, then cry foul and get all butt-hurt when I counter-attack.  Cry me a river.
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster


Jeez... I wonder why I still go on these forums sometimes. I really don't give a damn if this is a bad idea or not at the moment; but you guys constantly bitch about the same things over and over again, point fingers at each other, and question others why they do the same things. Seriously, you can't flame someone for asking a legitimate question, call them "faggot", "stupid dumbshit", and expect them to not get offended. This is just elementary. Some might claim that the members around here are "immature" and yet, they forget to check themselves first. Chaos, had you just addressed his suggestion as you do in the post above this one, there wouldn't be as many of these types of problems (not necessarily that you are causing the problems, I'm being rather general).


I think if you will look closer you will see Chaos was not calling Zario names. He was giving examples of what people would likely post on the signs if given the chance. He was making a point that people would abuse these signs by making offensive remarks. He was not himself making those offensive remarks.


Quote from: Lingus on January 05, 2010, 05:31:04 PM
I think if you will look closer you will see Chaos was not calling Zario names. He was giving examples of what people would likely post on the signs if given the chance. He was making a point that people would abuse these signs by making offensive remarks. He was not himself making those offensive remarks.
Either way, It didn't have to be as harsh as it was.
Edit: And that also shows how easily someone can be misunderstood when posting such an "uncalled-for" post.


Quote from: NotoriousM4^ on January 05, 2010, 05:33:30 PM
Quote from: Lingus on January 05, 2010, 05:31:04 PM
I think if you will look closer you will see Chaos was not calling Zario names. He was giving examples of what people would likely post on the signs if given the chance. He was making a point that people would abuse these signs by making offensive remarks. He was not himself making those offensive remarks.
Either way, It didn't have to be as harsh as it was.
Edit: And that also shows how easily someone can be misunderstood when posting such an "uncalled-for" post.
Thats chaos for you.

Also NotoriousM4^. What do you think about this idea of the sign? you did not say.


Agreed. I'm sure Chaos could probably tone it down on a lot of his posts...