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You know you're a true gamer when..

Started by God-I-Suck, February 23, 2010, 08:40:59 PM

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Quote from: Delicious on February 28, 2010, 04:28:23 AM
I don't think this has been mentioned, but anyways;
When you are sexually attracted and/or have sexual fantasys to female/male characters from video games...

I always thought Adult Link from OOT was the beastiest thing out there back when I was little XD They picked a great voice actor for him =p


Quote from: DivineLegend on February 28, 2010, 12:35:30 PM
Quote from: Delicious on February 28, 2010, 04:28:23 AM
I don't think this has been mentioned, but anyways;
When you are sexually attracted and/or have sexual fantasys to female/male characters from video games...
i can almost guarentee most, if not all of us, have done this... and as pwnage said, if meiun counts, then i think DT counts for a LOT of guys here 0.o
like the first girl they have ever seen who plays games

I know and have seen loads of females play games and I don't think you understand what he's saying, he's saying a character FROM a game.


My comments are in bold:

Quote from: God-I-Suck on February 23, 2010, 08:40:59 PM own more than 3 game consoles. I own like everything besides all of these newfangled ones, god DAMN. own more than 30 video games. What about 300? own or used to own an NES. It's still hooked up to the living room TV. :D don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals. I enjoy emulators because it's less of a hassle than looking for the real cartridge, but I would LOVE an NES controller that works with a USB jack. still play hand-held video games released before the DS. Gameboy Advance SP 4 lyfe. use video game lingo in real-life. "Check out that Generic Dude over there." play video games online. Well this is an obvious. go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day. Friends always check that place out, so I tag along. They still don't have Battletoads.'d rather stay home and play a really fun video game than go out with friends. I don't own a 360 so I play the ones that my friends have. This is a no in a partial sense. try to find as much time as possible to play video games. Study hall, heh. prefer to talk to your friend over Xbox Live or PSN than over the phone. Again, don't own any of these newfangled ones.
..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't. Depends on whether or not the friend who doesn't love video games loves something semi-illegal. played video games as an infant. Mario 64 at 5 years old, if I remember correctly. enjoy watching MLG over most sports. All sports suck, simple. love to watch G4. All TV sucks. feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series. MMMMMMMEGAMAAAAAAAN. still play and have interest in video games at an old age. I could see myself waving a Zapper at little snot-nosed punks on my lawn at age 70.
..your forum avatar is related to a video game. Does a trashed project by an MMO's ex-GM count?'ve played Halo before. Only the first.
..most of your bookmarks are related to video games. Hm.... youtube, facebook, google. I guess not. like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs. Shit, I MAKE LP's, I should be getting bonus points for this one. watch Halo and Call of Duty montages. I prefer the montage from Mass Effect that shows Sheperd being a douche.'re good at almost every video game you play. Better than most if it's a retro game. get excited at a party when someone talks about video games. Not as excited as the stuff that most parties have nowadays. don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun. Too true, NES and SNES have their moments as being considered the best. are proud you are a gamer. I wear a goddamn Megaman shirt and an NES controller hat, I think this is self-explanatory. save the video game instruction booklets. They are a good way to waste 3-5 minutes, even though you usually know everything that they have in there. read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper. Step 1: Look for Gameboy. Step 2: Look for bathroom. say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game. I usually just go "OSHI-". stayed up all night playing video games before. A few times. think about video games when you aren't playing video games. Depends on boredom or state of mind. own a video game poster. POKEYMAWHN.
..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever. Aye. refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells." Not really, I prefer to view them as a "Now I don't feel like shit because I was thirsty." reliever. like it when people watch you play video games. Only exception is that I suck at it and they laugh at me. can't wait to play that new game you just got. I've been yelled at for bringing along the console (if it's a handheld) and playing it right then and there!


Quote from: JoEL on February 28, 2010, 07:11:47 PM
Quote from: DivineLegend on February 28, 2010, 12:35:30 PM
Quote from: Delicious on February 28, 2010, 04:28:23 AM
I don't think this has been mentioned, but anyways;
When you are sexually attracted and/or have sexual fantasys to female/male characters from video games...
i can almost guarentee most, if not all of us, have done this... and as pwnage said, if meiun counts, then i think DT counts for a LOT of guys here 0.o
like the first girl they have ever seen who plays games

I know and have seen loads of females play games and I don't think you understand what he's saying, he's saying a character FROM a game.
i know what he meant, but you also gotta remember that i said if meiun counts as pwnage said, then dt counts too, i am not saying she counts... not quite gettin what i meant there

DanThelVlan own more than 3 game consoles.
GBA (original), SP, Nes, 64, DS, Wii, PS2, PS3, Xbox360; Previously owned a GB, GB color, Super Nes, Sega own more than 30 video games.
Own more then, and had more before hand. Lost many of them. own or used to own an NES.
Yessum. don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals.
Darn` right. still play hand-held video games released before the DS.
Sonic Advance 1-3, All Pokemon games, All Zelda games, DBZ for the GBC. use video game lingo in real-life.
Pwned you noob. play video games online.
Online as in, PS3 Online? Or MMOS? I do both. ;D go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day.
Everytime. Even if I'm flat broke.'d rather stay home and play a really fun video game than go out with friends.
Debateable, but usually, yeah. try to find as much time as possible to play video games.
Every hour, on the hour. prefer to talk to your friend over Xbox Live or PSN than over the phone.
If I could, then yeah.

..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't.
Guilty. You don't game, gtfo. played video games as an infant.
Sega enjoy watching MLG over most sports.
Yessum. love to watch G4.
Yawp. feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series.
I feel terrific knowing what EV training is, and what every nature in pokemon does for you. <: still play and have interest in video games at an old age.
almost 18. Working on it.

..your forum avatar is related to a video game.
I have to animate one, but it will be.'ve played Halo before.
Just got my copy. <:

..most of your bookmarks are related to video games.
The "How to"s, "Glitches", and "Walkthroughs" are all that are there. ;D like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs.
They're funny. <: watch Halo and Call of Duty montages.
Been there, done that.'re good at almost every video game you play.
Gimmie an hour. I'll whoop you without breaking a sweat. get excited at a party when someone talks about video games.
.. You said video games.. I need to go home and.. not change my pants.. >A> don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun.
Same Crap, different name. are proud you are a gamer.
I'd rather no other alternative. save the video game instruction booklets.
Lost the cases, still have the booklets. read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper.
xD Yes. say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game.
Done this once or twice myself. stayed up all night playing video games before.
Beat Ocarina of time within 2 days because of this. think about video games when you aren't playing video games.
I think about the next game i'm getting, even though i'm currently playing one freshly new one. own a video game poster.
I had a poster from Pokemon Pearl/Diamond

..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever.
It's like those times when your parents/siblings are all gone for the day. And the computer is at your fingertips. ;D refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells."
Coca-Cola. like it when people watch you play video games.
I wait for certain parts so when someone walks by, they can notice it. ;D can't wait to play that new game you just got.
The ride home from Gamestop sucks.


Quote from: God-I-Suck on February 23, 2010, 08:40:59 PM
(This list is entirely made by me. Based on my opinion. Feel free to comment and add on.) own more than 3 game consoles.
yup own more than 30 video games.
yup own or used to own an NES.
still do. don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals.
not that I don't like to, I just haven't still play hand-held video games released before the DS.
Tetris on GBcolor. ftw. use video game lingo in real-life.
ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US. check :) play video games online.
mmorpgs? yup. Along with flash games sometimes... go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day.
Can't say that I ever go there...or would want to'd rather stay home and play a really fun video game than go out with friends.
Sometimes. try to find as much time as possible to play video games.
Duh, that's what used to be "homework" time :P prefer to talk to your friend over Xbox Live or PSN than over the phone.
I use neither. but I hate talking on the phone anyways >_>

..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't.
My bf is the only friend who plays any video games of any sort... played video games as an infant.
As a wee munchkin I played good ol' NES enjoy watching MLG over most sports.
If that is what I think it is, definitely not. ew. love to watch G4.
Ninja Warriorrrr!!!! pretty sure that's on G4... feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series.
I wouldn't say I know alot about video games... but certainly more then any of my female friends. lol still play and have interest in video games at an old age.
Entertainment. duhhh.

..your forum avatar is related to a video game.
It's related to om noms :)'ve played Halo before.
Hahaha, I love it, but I suck at it sooo much XD

..most of your bookmarks are related to video games.
I don't bookmark much... so no like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs.
Boring as hell.. I'd rather play the game myself. no. watch Halo and Call of Duty montages.
CODMW2 Knife throw montages. lol. yeeeeah...'re good at almost every video game you play.
Hardly.. but I still play 'em :) get excited at a party when someone talks about video games.
lol, I guess? depends on the video game... don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun.
I'll have to say yeah. are proud you are a gamer.
Holla save the video game instruction booklets.
Yepp read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper.
I read nothing on the toilet. Spending all day in a bathroom is not my idea of a good time x.x say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game.
I say something more along the lines of "shit" stayed up all night playing video games before.
C'mon.. Who hasn't??? think about video games when you aren't playing video games.
lol... Guilty >_>  Sometimes I dream about video games xD own a video game poster.

..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever.
That would be nice, but doubt that would ever happen refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells."
lol, no, but I will now :P like it when people watch you play video games.
meh, I find it kind of annoying actually... can't wait to play that new game you just got.
Well duh, that's why you got the game in the first place.. cause youre excited to play it x.x

Hm.. can't really think of any more at the moment.

NotSoCheerios own more than 3 game consoles.
GB(original, Pocket, Color, Advance, SP), NES, SNES, DS, (2x)Wii, PS2(Regular, and Slim), PS3, (2x)Xbox360, PSP, Atari 2600, Sega Dreamcast, and (3x) pc own more than 30 video games.
More.. about 20 per console. own or used to own an NES.
Yes and still play Battle Toads on it. don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals.
Only play when my cartridge fails. still play hand-held video games released before the DS.
Not so much. Can't afford the batteries. I need Rechargeable. use video game lingo in real-life.
Noob. is about it, I'm not a fag. play video games online.
Offline? WTF.. you can play games not online?
But seriously.. yeah of course. go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day.
Even when i'm driving PAST the mall I stop in. Partilly because I'm friends with most of the employees.'d rather stay home and play a really fun video game than go out with friends.
Eh... How about.. my friends come over to PLAY video games.
I do LAN xbox360's. Reason I have 2. try to find as much time as possible to play video games.
When I'm not busy.. I'm busy playing video games. prefer to talk to your friend over Xbox Live or PSN than over the phone.
Talk on the phone.. IF we both are ON xbox.. we'll talk on that instead.. but when i'm talking to a friend i'll probably be headed to his house to play video games.

..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't.
Special in the dumb way?? if so.. idk all my friends except bill play video games.. and Bill is half retarded I think. played video games as an infant.
I was playing a GB when I came out of the womb. enjoy watching MLG over most sports.
No doubt about it. love to watch G4.
G4 and Comedy Central are the only two Channels I know. feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series.
I feel terrific knowing what EV training is, and what every nature in pokemon does for you. <: still play and have interest in video games at an old age.
19.. and I am Majoring in Game Design and Programming.

..your forum avatar is related to a video game.
No.'ve played Halo before.
Limited Editions.

..most of your bookmarks are related to video games.
In one way or another. like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs.
No. I don't use walkthroughs. watch Halo and Call of Duty montages.
Once.'re good at almost every video game you play.
Give or take your perception of Good and Great. get excited at a party when someone talks about video games.
uh.. not really excited.. I'll join in.. but won't freak about it. don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun.
You don't PLAY the console.. you play the game.. PS3 Is the best though! are proud you are a gamer.
!@#$ YEAH I AM save the video game instruction booklets.
Yeah.. I keep em in the case.. read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper.
Only if I JUST got it.. but.. I normally read them before I leave Gamestop. say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game.
Sorta stayed up all night playing video games before.
Multiple days in a row. think about video games when you aren't playing video games.
No.. I have SOME self control own a video game poster.
Pokemon Platinum.

..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever.
eh.. am I getting Blown while playing video games.. cause THAT was the best day ever. refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells."
Mt Dew. like it when people watch you play video games.
Kinda.. like the company when I'm doing something myself. can't wait to play that new game you just got.
I normally hook up my console in the car.. and play it in the parking lot.