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DC Universe

Started by Scotty, July 27, 2010, 05:28:24 PM

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If SOE wasn't the driving company behind this, I'd almost believe this game will be anything other than a complete failure!


looks good to me but im not keeping my hopes up. as long as they optimize the code so i can actually play at a decent and consistent fps unlike champions.


I'm on the exact same page with you on this one Scotty. As soon as I saw this topic title I was already thinking to myself "too bad it's SOE making it."


The thing is, sure, they did a wonderful job at coming up with a bad-ass trailer for the game, yet this really doesn't say anything about the game.  Let's say I don't know a thing about the game (which I don't).  This makes me think it's going to be an MMO, and nothing about a superhero MMO would be stupider than to allow characters to play a set list of commonly referenced and well known superheroes.  Could you imagine what would happen if you had a whole clan of Green Lanterns running around?  It would kill it instantly.  Now if it wasn't an MMO, but rather a sort of limited multiplayer base, where a limited amount of players play in one game, then I can see it making more sense.

All I can tell by this trailer is that Diana kicks some serious ass, The Flash is, as always, worthless, Batman can't put up a fight for shit, and Superman has some serious 'roid rage going (or maybe he just forgot to apply his cream in the morning).  Nothing more.


I actually don't know anything about this game, so the trailer makes me frown. A game where you can be one of the already made up super hero's would be lame, seeing as everyone's just going to be a duplicate of another. Although I suppose it would be similar to a "class" system, with each hero being a class.

In either case, the trailer shows me nothing. That's just some CG, no actual gameplay.


DC Universe Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the DC Universe. SOE hopes to make a different kind of MMORPG, with The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction being cited as one of the main inspirations for gameplay. SOE is working to make DC Universe Online more interactive than standard MMORPGs, while trying to keep their key elements, which include a leveling system, raid instances, endgame progression and inventories. The world is mainly shared, public space instead of heroes or villains owning territory. The public space features dynamically-generated content designed for both hero and villain player characters (uniquely created by the player, who cannot choose DCU stalwarts).


I immediately assume that when it's an MMO, you will NOT be using any of the currently existing heroes/villains. Like everyone said, that would just be ridiculous. Clearly, the point of being set in the DC universe is that the NPCs are all from that universe. From the trailer, it seems to have been setting up a premise where additional heroes (the players) would need to be recruited to help in the fight against Brainio (Braino? Brainiac? The Brainster... whatever.)